268 words, written at home instead of the library--a treat I sometimes take on Saturdays. Within the next week, I believe I will settle on a minimum target word count per day. Probably 250 will make for a nice, reasonable goal. Of course, more will always be welcome! Perhaps I will start at 250, then raise it by 25 or 50 words per week until I reach, oh, I don't know, 400 or 500. All this will be complicated, however, by the need to sometimes leave off writing this chapter to work on my prospectus or bibliography, or to write the two talks I am scheduled to give this spring. Well, one worry at a time.
For now, my son has awakened from his nap, and I feel the intense need to give him a huge hug.
Sunday is my day off (where "off" means "to do much of the week's baking, not to mention give the apartment an extra bit of cleaning"), so I'll be back on Monday. (Someday I will take a real break. Where "someday" means "after I have tenure or am dead, whichever comes first.")