Hard to gauge today's work, seeing as I yanked out a bunch of stuff, then wrote new stuff, then pasted some of the old stuff back in. Overall my total word count increased only by 49 words, but I wrote 327 new words. Wait...73 of those I salvaged from my old draft, so does that mean I wrote only 254 words? Ugh, this accounting is getting complicated. And what about the extra 50 or so words I have in notes for finishing my current paragraph?
Never mind. Let's just say that the day went OK, and that I am starting to feel more certain of what I want to say in this very difficult section and how I want to say it.
For now.
But, oh, if I get into the same cycle of writing and rewriting as in my previous draft, someone will hit me with a tranquilizer dart and drag my slack body away from my keyboard, right? Please?
PS: I estimate I will need another seven working days to finish this section of my chapter and move on to some less agonizing material. Let the countdown begin!
PPS: Yesterday? Zero words. Felt like crap. Got nothing done.
PPPS: Except baking a very tasty banana cake! So, hey, there's that.